Thursday, September 21, 2006

saturday night at the albion!

....we had to wait in line! boooooo. fascists.
when we got in, we got straight down to getting drunk.
but we had to share just one lemon! with out tequila! one lemon!
but we got over that, and got down to some pole dancing....
and the requisite girls' bathroom antics...(the albion should def. look into having that stall by the window sill upgraded so people can't get in while you're peeing....)
then...oh my god!
we ran into sarah!
and holly!
and devin!
apparently duncan was there too, but no pictures because i didn't see him! but the night was still good. sort of. i guess.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

this was in a bathroom on campus:

check out the size of that tampon!

if women were men, that tampon would win the pissing contest.

maybe the earth IS flat. and maybe the green-skinned women that live, with the nazis, on the other side of the disc are infiltrating. and maybe they have GIANT VAGINAS.